Page:Tomlinson--The rider of the black horse.djvu/261

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"Where is it now?"

"I can't tell you. All I can say is that I have n't it any longer."

"What did you do with it?"

"What would I be supposed to do with a letter?" Robert was speaking boldly, for in spite of the fear in his heart he was convinced that his own safety, as well as the safety of the precious letter itself, would be best preserved in this manner.

"We 're in no mood to stand any foolishness," said Claudius Brown sharply. "Will you give me that letter?"

"I told you I did n't have any letter. You can search me and see for yourself."

"We can do that fast enough," replied the leader angrily, as he drew a knife from his belt and stepped forward. "Take off his coat!"

Instantly the prisoner's coat was torn roughly from him and cut into slits by the angry man. The search for the missing letter was not rewarded, and Robert again said quietly, "I told you the truth. I have n't the letter, but you won't believe me till you 've proved it, so go ahead."

"Take off his shoes!" ordered Claudius Brown.