Page:Tomlinson--The rider of the black horse.djvu/263

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"Ask Jake," suggested one of the men. "Perhaps he gave it to him."

"Have you got that letter?' demanded Brown, turning savagely upon the landlord. Jacob Gunning only laughed and did not speak, and the anger of the leader apparently rose at the indifference of the man.

"We 'll search you, too, Jake, if you don't speak up!" growled Claudius Brown.

"I can tell you," interrupted Robert quickly.

"Tell, then!"

"He has n't got the letter, and he has n't the remotest idea who has it either."

"Don't you believe him, Claud," said one of the band. "Jake knows all about it, and it's more'n likely he's got it in his pocket now."

The suggestion seemed to increase the rage of the leader, and at his word two of the men came to his aid, the others being left to guard the prisoner.

"Now see here, Claud Brown," said Jacob slowly. "You know me an' I know you. What's the use o' all this foolishness?"

"Have you the letter, Jake?"

"I did n't know there was any letter; leastwise," he added, "I have n't seen anything o' it."