Page:Tomlinson--The rider of the black horse.djvu/271

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of Jacob's tavern afforded ample evidence that he was capable of dastardly work, but the threat he was now making to Robert seemed to be beyond the limits of even such villainy as his. Besides, he had given his word that as long as he was alive the letter that had been intrusted to him should not fall into the hands of the enemy.

Resolutely, though his knees trembled while he spoke, he looked into the face of Claudius Brown and said, "I 've told you the truth."

"Where is that letter?" shouted Claudius Brown again.

"I have n't it."

"Where is it?"

"I can't tell you."

"You will tell me! Take your choice. I 'll set the barn on fire and string up your sneaking friend, or you 'll tell me where that letter is."

For a moment almost beside himself with anger and fear, Robert struggled desperately at the cords that held him; but the work had been well done and he was helpless. A smile appeared on the face of the man before him as he watched the futile struggle, and then turning sharply to the man near him he said, "Burn up the old trap and the rat in it!"