Page:Tomlinson--The rider of the black horse.djvu/281

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for the others down here to th' forks o' the road, are n't ye?"

"Yes. How did you know that?"

"Never ye mind," laughed Claudius Brown, plainly rejoiced to be restored to the good graces of the officer. "We 'll go 'long anyway with ye. I s'pose ye 'll take this man 'long?" he inquired, indicating Robert as he spoke.

"Yes. There is n't any use in searching him any more for the letter. You 've done that well. There is n't a spot as big as shilling left of his clothes."

"Ye 're right, th' isn't," laughed Brown. "The other man, what 'll ye do with him?"

"Leave him here. He will be all right soon and can look after himself. He's not a soldier and this man is," and he nodded at Robert as he spoke.