Page:Tomlinson--The rider of the black horse.djvu/301

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"Do it? I don't know jest how I 'll do it, but I'm not concerned 'bout that. All I know is that 'twill be done, and done afore he's many days older, too. And I 'll be there," he added grimly. Then, his voice rising in the excitement that seemed to overpower him, he shouted, "I 'll chase him clear t' kingdom come, if I have to! I won't eat nor sleep till I get my hands on him! He's robbed the widows! He's turned traitor more times 'n he has hairs on his head! He's burnt up 'bout all th' houses that 'll stand burnin', I'm thinkin'. I 'll leave my family t' shift for themselves an' I 'll jest go at it day an' night till I bring Claud Brown to a place where he 'll quit his doin's for good an' all! He 'll find out that his game is n't all on one side, before I'm done with him!"

"When are you going to begin, Jacob?" inquired Robert.

"‘Begin?' I'm goin' t' begin now, right away! Good-by!" And before his startled companion was fully aware of what was occurring, Jacob Gunning had turned abruptly away, and disappeared as he ran swiftly out into the road in the direction from which Robert himself had just come.

Too surprised to protest, the young soldier