Page:Tomlinson--The rider of the black horse.djvu/306

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"Oh, Robert!" she said quickly, "if you could only see yourself! Where did you get those clothes?"

Robert, in the excitement of the night, had almost forgotten the condition of his own clothing, and as he glanced down at himself the first feeling of confusion speedily passed, and he, too, laughed at his own woe-begone appearance.

"You poor boy!" said Hannah gently, her eyes filling as she spoke. "You must have had a terrible time somewhere. Are you hurt?"

"No, I'm hungry," laughed Robert, his good humor instantly restored.

"Of course you are. Come right into the house— No, take your horse out to the barn and feed him, and then come in. By the time you are ready we 'll have something warm for you to eat."

As she turned and ran into the house, Robert obeyed her suggestion, and taking his horse by the bridle started toward the barn. But he was startled by the sight that greeted him as he entered, and he did not return to the house until Hannah herself came to summon him.