Page:Tomlinson--The rider of the black horse.djvu/321

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soon again, I 'd be for having both o' ye follow 'long with me an' let Claud deal with ye as he wanted to. You poor fool, don't you know who this fellow is?"

"No, no, Josh, I can't say that I do. He! he! He is a good friend. He knows the 'word.' He gave it to me himself."

"He's an express from Washington."

"Ye don't say so! He does n't look it. I'd never 'a' thought it."

In spite of his predicament, Robert smiled as he heard the words, for he was well aware that his own appearance was not such as to inspire respect or even fear in a beholder.

"That's what he is. He's goin' 'long with me, though, so ye 'll get off this time. But I can't see how ye came to let him know."

Robert had his own ideas as to whether he would accompany Josh or not, but he did not speak. Had it not been for the presence of Hannah he would at once have made a dash past the clumsy man who was standing in front of him, but if he could avoid a personal encounter it would be better for all concerned, he decided.

"Before any of you go, you 'll come up to the house and have something to eat," inter-