Page:Tomlinson--The rider of the black horse.djvu/328

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tries to lay a hand on me will get his head smashed!"

For a moment the man with the strap faltered, the appearance of Josh was so threatening. The giant was at least six feet and five inches in height, and his marvelous strength was manifest in his great shoulders as well as in his brawny arms and threatening bearing.

"Now look here, my good fellow," said one of the men with the rifles, "we are n't here to coddle you. You can take your choice between eight chunks of lead or having your hands tied."

For an instant Josh gazed stupidly at the speaker and then without a word held forth his hands, which were speedily bound behind his back by the man with the strap, who, although he was by no means small, still appeared almost a pygmy beside his huge captive.

"Now then, you 're next," said the man, approaching Mr. Beach.

"Me? Me?" screamed the terrified man. "I have n't done anything! I'm not to blame for these men being here! This is my house!"

"Hold out your hands!" said the man sternly.

"But I tell you you 've made a mistake! I have n't done anything! Don't take me away!