Page:Tomlinson--The rider of the black horse.djvu/335

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"Have you a horse?"

"Yes, sir."

"Where is it?"

"In the barn."

"Young man, you take this letter to General Clinton yourself. I may be a fool for letting you go, but I 'm going to do it." Drawing his knife, he quickly cut the thongs by which Robert's hands were bound, and restoring to him the letter which he had taken, he said, "You'd better not waste any time."

"Thank you! Thank you, sir!" replied Robert eagerly, as he grasped the letter. "Where did you say Hannah and her mother had gone?" he inquired, as he prepared to start for the barn.

"I did n't say. If you 're bound for Fort Montgomery, it won't make any difference to you anyway. I don't mind telling you that she's at my house. She and my son are"—

"Are what?" demanded Robert quickly, as the man paused.

"It does n't concern you what they are," said the man tartly. "If you 're as anxious as you pretend to be to get inside the fort you 'll not stop to ask any more foolish questions here. I may change my mind about you