Page:Tomlinson--The rider of the black horse.djvu/341

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"That's right. We 'll soon have you in shape again!" said Robert heartily, as he resumed his task.

"I 'll have the law on 'em! I 'll see that ev'ry one o' the hussies has her due!"

Robert paused abruptly in his task as the unexpected burst of wrath escaped the victim's lips. Robert could see now that the man was young, apparently about his own age.

"When did this happen?" he demanded quietly.

"About an hour ago," responded the young man angrily.


"At Mistress Down's."

"I don't know where that is. Tell me about it," he added gently.

"The hussies were having a quilting frolic there or were doing something of the kind, and I stopped at the house just in a friendly way to see what they were doing."

"And did they treat you this way?" demanded Robert.

"They did. They did, indeed."

"I can't understand it. Were they girls or women?"

"Yes, they were."

"No men there?"