Page:Tomlinson--The rider of the black horse.djvu/382

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"Where is he now?"

"I fancy he is n't very far from Esopus," laughed Russell. "There won't be much left of the rebel town when he's done with it."

"Did George and James Clinton both get out of the forts?"

"Yes, worse luck."

"How many men do you think they have now?"

"A couple of hundred, perhaps. This will be great news for General Burgoyne. He's hard put to it, according to reports."

"So I hear."

"Yes, they have given him a hard fight, and his supplies were cut off. But as soon as I get there it 'll all be changed," Russell added lightly.

"How's that?"

"I have the word he's waiting for. And he must get it, too!"

"Will you come into the house? Martha will be glad to have you."

"No, I thank you; but I 'll wait here till it is a little darker, and then I 'll push on. The boats have gone up the river; but just as soon as I can get past this part of the country I know where I can get a horse, and I 'll make such time that there won't be any more