Page:Tomlinson--The rider of the black horse.djvu/388

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In breathless suspense Robert waited for their return. He well understood the determination of Russell, and the importance of his present object was so great that the young express knew he would not be taken easily. His surprise was therefore the greater when he perceived the four men returning in a brief time, and in their midst was Russell himself.

"We 've got him, Robert!" called Joseph as he approached. "We found him hiding behind a stump, and as we all had the drop on him before he could wink, it was n't any trick at all to make him come with us. Who is he, and what made you say we must get him?"

"He's a messenger. He's an express from Sir Henry. He's got a word on him now for John Burgoyne from Sir Henry."

Russell stared at Robert as he spoke, as if he could not believe what he had heard; then suddenly wrenching one hand free he thrust it into a pocket, drew forth something which the others could not see, placed it in his mouth, and then with apparent calmness faced his captors.

"He's swallowed it!" exclaimed Robert aghast. "He's swallowed it!"

"We 'll take him to the general," said Joseph quickly. "He 'll know what to do."