Page:Tomlinson--The rider of the black horse.djvu/40

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June 14th, 1777.

Honorad Sir:—a Cordoing to your orders I went with a part of the Light hors in Sarch of Russell; when I come within a Mile and a half of his hous I aplied to Mr. Conklon; ho was acquented with him and sent 2 of the Light hors with him in disgis afoot; as the went thru the woods ner Russells hous the met a man in the woods and the seemed to be Surprised; he told them not to frited; asked them from whence the Come; the Replayd from New York; he told them the need not be afred; the was all good frends about there and asked what news from New York and wither general How was Coming up the River or not; with that there was a woman apered; he told them to Clap down and hid, when the woman Come near he sed the need not be afred for that was one Russells wife and that hir Husbant was gon off Las night to New York, and if he had been at hom wald been very glad to have seen them; he had been at hom for sum time but had not been in his hous but three nights; this man Invited them hom with him, but the Sead that the darst not; the must go the Mountains; he sed that he had Last winter Carred provisions for 10 or 12 in the Mount's and in the spring