Page:Tomlinson--The rider of the black horse.djvu/56

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Suddenly the men who had been earnestly talking together parted, and three of them approached the place where he was standing. A strap which one of them carried was brought forward and the prisoner's hands were at once securely bound behind his back.

When this had been accomplished, one of them turned to Robert and said quietly, "Come with me."

It was useless to resist, and Robert obediently followed the man as he led the way back over the road that extended through the dark and narrow passage; but when they had gone about half the distance his captor suddenly turned and started directly into the woods. At first Robert hesitated to follow, but a low word recalled him to the necessity of obeying, and he was soon close behind the man, who seemed to be at no loss in picking his way. Indeed, Robert soon perceived that they were following a path, which, though it was not well marked, was nevertheless somewhat plain, and without a word being spoken the two men proceeded on their way.

The ground was rising now, and ere long Robert was aware that they were climbing a low hillside. In spite of the dimness of the light he was endeavoring to note the way in