Page:Tomlinson--The rider of the black horse.djvu/65

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ing intently, although he did not move from his position.

"I 'll leave my horse outside," the man was saying.

"Of course ye will," replied Josh. "I 'll keep an eye on him. He won't get away."

"I shan't be here more than two or three hours, but if I can get a little sleep I 'll be all the better for it."

"Go right in and lie down. There's only one in there now."

"Some one in there? Who is it?"

"I forget his name. He's asleep. Ye need n't be afraid o' him."

"I'm not afraid, but"—began the man in a lower voice.

"Go on in! I 'll let ye know when they come for ye. I can tell Claud in the darkest night that ever was," interrupted Josh.

"He sent me word that I was to meet him here. I don't know how he knew I was coming"—

"Oh, Claud knows all right," laughed Josh. "Nothin' escapes him."

"I should n't have stopped if he had n't sent word that he was to give me something of importance. I want to get back to New York in a hurry. As long as he is n't here