Page:Tomlinson--The rider of the black horse.djvu/92

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"He's all right now. I'm grateful to you for your kindness."

"Did you say you were running from the Thirteen?" demanded the younger woman.

"I did."

"Where are they now?"

"I don't know. I trust they are back in the woods where I left them."

"Was Claud Brown there?"

He was."

"The villain!" exclaimed the young wo-man warmly. "I hope they 'll hang him! They will, too, if they can once get their hands on him."


"The men of the country. He's kept up his wickedness till there's hardly a home in all the valley that he has n't robbed. I can stand a redcoat, but such a scoundrel as he is ought not to be left alive in such times as these!"

"There, Hannah!" said the older woman quietly. "Never mind Claud Brown now."

"Where are you going?" demanded the young woman of Robert.

"There are several places I must go to before I go back."

"Back where?"