Page:Tomlinson--The rider of the black horse.djvu/98

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"I have already fed and watered your horse," said Hannah.

"You have? I did not expect you to do that."

"I could n't bear to see the poor beast wait any longer."

"I am grateful to you for your kindness," said Robert seriously. "Is there not something that I can do to repay it?"

"Yes, sir, there is," responded Hannah promptly.

"Please tell me what it is."

"You are to take this letter and give it to my brother Joseph," and as she spoke she held forth a missive which was directed to Joseph Nott. "I don't suppose there is much good in giving it into your keeping, for probably Claud Brown will get it, and he 'll read it himself. Much good may it do him, too, for I've expressed my opinion of him in my epistle in a way that he will understand."

"I 'll try and see that Claud Brown does not get it this time, though he did get a letter from me yesterday, and one that I'd give much to get back, too."

Briefly Robert related the story of his encounter with the band, but he made no reference to the letter which Brown had given him