Page:Tourist's Maritime Provinces.djvu/183

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over a century in the Gilpin family of John Gilpin renown.

Votaries of shrines historic will cross from Annapolis to Granville Ferry and drive six miles down the west side of the Basin to the spot on the shore nearly opposite Goat Island where rose the first permanent dwellings built by white men on this continent north of Florida. Here within the stockade of Port Royal, the Knights of the Order of Good Times met daily to feast in the common dining-hall. Lescarbot, first man of letters to reside in North America, describes the banquets and ceremonies of North America's pioneer social club in the Fourth Book of his Chronicles. The membership of fifteen included Lescarbot, Baron Poutrincourt, Champlain and Hébert, founders of Quebec, and the physician Daniel Hay. Bear, otter, hare, moose, caribou, deer, wild cats, game and fish appeared upon the bill of fare. Each member served in turn as steward. A frequent guest at the board was Membertou, the Micmac chief who claimed to have been present when Cartier landed at Gaspé in 1534. He was one of the first among the Indians to be baptised into the Catholic faith. In 1611 he died, aged a hundred years, and was buried near the Granville fort amid fair scenes to which, in the words of an Annapolis poetaster of 1720,

Should angels turn their sight,
Angels might stand astonished with delight.