Page:Tourist's Maritime Provinces.djvu/205

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modest in their social relations, and diligent about the homely duties that fill their lives. That they do not forget the travail of their ancestors is proven by the words they sing to their national air:

Un Acadien errant,
Banni de ses foyers,
Parcourait en pleurant
Des pays étrangers.

Un jour triste et pensif,
Assis aux bords des flots,
Au courant fugitif
II adressait ces mots:

Si tu vols mon pays,
Mon pays malheureux,
Va dire à, mes amis
Que je me souviens d'eux.

Pour jamais separé
Des amis de mon coeur,
Hélas! où je mourrai,
Je mourrai de douleur.

Church Point Village is distant a short drive from the station of that name; beyond are Saulnierville and Meteghan. In all of these settlements there are Acadian homes open to travellers.

Weymouth—Yarmouth, 45 miles. Below Meteghan and Hectanooga, both known for the good fishing in near-by waters, the railway passes near Lake Annis, and between Lake George and Brazil Lake. The latter is the station for Kemptville, 12 miles by stage or carriage. A chaos of rivers, lakes and small streams radiate from Kemptville. Cabins, guides, tents, boats and tackle are available