Page:Tourist's Maritime Provinces.djvu/298

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spies that Lady La Tour was in command of the fort, attacked with a single ship. But Marie Jacqueline was possessed of resource and courage that over-matched the foe's assurance. The besieging vessel retired with two score dead and wounded, and without having brought down the flag above the stockade.

Still La Tour did not return, fearing capture by the enemy's ships, and in two months de Charnisay mustered his forces at Port Royal and made a new onset, this time from the land along the Carleton shore. He met resistance so effectual that defeat would again have been his portion at the hands of the Lady Marie but for the connivance of a sentinel, who for a bribe kept silent at the approach of the attacking party. Even then the Baron of Port Royal could not capture the garrison by force but made terms which his heroic opponent accepted to save the lives of her supporters. When he found himself in possession, he violated his word, hung the garrison man by man, and compelled Madame La Tour to look upon the execution. Even a heart staunch as hers could not surmount such accumulation of misfortune. In less than a month after the surrender of the fort so long and ardently guarded, her spirit failed and she passed away. It was six years before her husband returned in possession of patents that established him master of the trade of Acadia, his rival having been drowned in Annapolis Basin the