Page:Tourist's Maritime Provinces.djvu/300

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tier At Brunswick Junction (69 m.) connection is made with St. Andrews over a line running from McAdam Junction (St. JohnMcAdam Jc, 84 m., on the way to Montreal, Bangor and Boston via Vanceboro, by Canadian Pacific). Schedules are so inconveniently arranged for the connection to St. Andrews at Brunswick Jc. that the route usually taken is the Canadian Pacific out of West St. John and from McAdam Jc. to the coast via Watt Jc. By this route, St. John—St. Andrews, 126 m. St. Stephen may also be reached via McAdam Jc.[1]

The Maritime Steamship Company has a small vessel in service between St. John, St. George and St. Andrews which leaves Thorne Wharf every Saturday morning.

Twice a week the Grand Manan sails from Turnbull's Wharf, St. John, and calls at Campobello Island and Eastport, Ma, on the way to the Island of Manan. The same steamer has regular sailings between St. Stephen, Campobello, Eastport and St. Andrews.

The tri-weekly Coastwise Service of the Eastern Steamship Corporation (St. John-Portland—Boston) makes its first call at Eastport, from which there are local lines to towns also served by the Grand Manan.

St. George has but a single bait for tourists and that a waterfall formed by the Magaguadavic River which a short distance from the village sweeps over a ledge and springs a hundred feet into a turbulent chasm. Bonny River, 6 miles beyond St. George on the railway, is at the entrance to the Magaguadavic Valley game district of Fredericton County, which is dotted with camps and hunting lodges.

  1. Northwest from McAdam Jc. a branch of the Canadian Pacific proceeds to Woodstock, Grand Falls and Edmundston. These towns are also reached from Fredericton.