Page:Tourist's Maritime Provinces.djvu/344

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eral. Lessees of the Grand and Little Cascapedia go into their lodges from New Richmond and Cascapedia Village. New Carlisle is the headquarters for sportsmen who follow the salmon of the Bonaventure, and is the capital of Bonaventure County. This was another of the many locations chosen by Loyalist emigrants in 1784. Free land and free provisions for a year were granted by a grateful Crown.

After the fall of Quebec, capitalists came from the Island of Jersey to establish fishing stations in Cape Breton and on the coast of the Bay Chaleur. One of the first of such firms to traffic in cod on the Gaspé coast was the one founded by Charles Robin who came to Paspebiac in the brig Seaflower in the year 1767, following the final concession of Canada to the English. The Robin vessels were lost to American privateers who invaded this bay in 1788 when its shores were wild and unpeopled, but business was resumed a few years later. Robin, Jones and Whitman whose headquarters are in Halifax have succeeded to the trade and maintain the traditions of the original establishments. Each one of their thirty stations has a staff residence for the bachelor clerks of warehouse and store. The dried cod is exported to Portugal, Spain, Brazil, and the West Indies. In good seasons the fishermen may earn from $300 to $500 each. Le Boutillier Brothers, another firm of Jersey origin founded at Paspebiac in 1838,