Page:Tourist's Maritime Provinces.djvu/431

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whose big woolly dogs helped to drag cod into the dories and hauled wood and deer-meat in the winter, but they were in the minority and were voted down. So all the dogs of the Placentia district were done away with. When you see those who survive at other outports you regret that in mercy to the brutes themselves the law has not been applied throughout the colony.

In the Church of England grave-yard are the broken head-stones of a Basque fisherman and the officer of a French frigate; the first-named bears the date 1676. The inscriptions,

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have been deciphered by Monsignor Légasse, of whom we shall hear more in connection with the church at St. Pierre-Miquelon.

If the constable is not away somewhere on his forty-mile beat up and down the east shore of the bay, he will with good grace leave his ploughing and exhibit the relics of church and court house: the communion silver given by the Prince of Wales who became King William IV and who visited this southern village in 1787; the Hanoverian staff in the court-room; the service of Channel Island silver lustre owned by the widow of the jailer.