Page:Tourist's Maritime Provinces.djvu/495

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Boston and Albany R. R., 267.
Boston and Maine R. R., 4.
Boston and Yarmouth Steamship Co., 3.
Boston Harbour, engagement, 87.
Boularderie Island, 222, 224, 229.
Boundaries, New France and British Acadia, 134.
Boundary, United States and Canada, 68, 366.
Le Boutillier Brothers, 288.
Bowring Mail Steamers, 328, 352, 355, 375.
Bras d'Or Gaelic Church Services, 224–225.
Lakes, 211, 212, 221–230.
settled by Highlanders, 224.
steamer connections, 222, 228–230.
Brazil Lake, 156, 164.
"Brewis," 33.
Bridge water, 177–182.
Brigus, 358–360.
Broussard, Abbé, 217.
Buctouche, 274.
Bunker Hill, 253.
Burin Peninsula, 366–367.
Burnt Church, destruction of, 277–278.
Burr, Aaron, visit from, 69.
Burying Ground of English, 136, 137.
Bute, Prime Minister of England, 343.

Cable terminus, 206.
Cabot, John and Sebastian, 61, 63, 97, 341, 353.
Cabot Straits, 66, 328.
Cabs and tramways, 17–18.
Calvert, Sir George (Lord Baltimore), 352.
Campbell, Sir William, 253.
Campbellton, 266, 283–284.
Campobello Island, 252.
Campobello and Grand Manan, 247–254.
Camps, New Brunswick, 31.
Canada, discovery of, 63.
first free library, 241.
Canadas finally ceded to Great Britain, 68.
Canadian Confederation, 309.
Northern Railway, 213.
Pacific Railroad, 4, 8, 9, 247, 255.
Pacific steamers, 10, 156.
ports, steamers from, 3–4.
Canard River, 115, 129.
Canning, 127–129.
Cannon Cape, 294.
Canso, 205–207, 222.
lobster hatchery, 206.
Cape Bonavista, 341.
Cape Breton, 66, 115, 212–235, 288.
annexed to Nova Scotia, 67.
discovery and colonisation, 61, 62, 65.
Cape Breton Railway, 210.
Cape Broyle, 352.
Cape Chidley, 356.
Cape Cove, 289.
Cape Mugford, 356.
Cape Race, 352, 353.
Cape Rouge, 218.
Cape Sable, 154.
Cape Sable Island, 170–171, 173.
Cape Sheridan, 359.