Page:Tourist's Maritime Provinces.djvu/498

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Edward VII, 95.
Emenenic Island, 258.
Emerald Junction, 318.
Emerson's relatives, 261.
Escuminac Point, 278.
Esquimau, 354.
Etchemin Indians, 259.
Eudist Fathers, 161.
Ewing, Juliana Horatio, 261.
Major, 261.
Exile of Acadians, 105–117, 159.
Exploits, 373, 375.
Explorations of Cortoreal, 356.
Exploring expeditions, 58–64.

Fairy Lake, 144, 146.
Falmouth, 100.
Fares, cabs, 17.
steamers, 1.
Farm and Agricultural School, 197.
Farming region, 267, 270, 309, 310.
Farquhar & Co., boats, 12.
Fenian Brotherhood, 72.
Fermeuse, 352.
Ferryland, 352.
Fire apparatus, 174.
Fiset, Father, 219.
Fisheries, Kent County, 276.
Fishing, 43–49, 148, 171–172, 176, 231, 264, 276, 287, 337–340.
concessions to United States, 344.
fees and license, 43, 44, 380.
industries, 310, 345, 395–396.
Port of Caraquet, 280.
privileges, France, 343.
stations, 288, 395.
Fitzgerald, Lord Edward, 374.
Fogo Island, 373–374.
Forests, New Brunswick, 267.
Fort Anne, 136.
Fort Dufferin, 244.
Fort Frederick, 238, 242, 245–247.
Fortifications, Louisbourg, 232–233.
de Fortisson, Madame la Baronne, 94.
Fortune Bay, 367, 368.
Founder of the Dominion, 125.
Founders of Quebec, 143.
Fox Breeding, 310–311, 313, 314, 320.
France, New, 133, 134.
purchases land, 363.
renounces territorial rights, 343.
Franklin, Governor, 159.
Fredericton, 68, 70, 255–257, 259, 263.
Anglican Cathedral, 260, 261.
drives, 262.
French Acadian settlers, 260.
Government House, 260.
Parliament building, 260, 261.
River House, 261.
steamer connections, 255.
Tourists Association, 262.
University of New Brunswick, 260, 262.
Freeport, 158.