Page:Tourist's Maritime Provinces.djvu/506

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Port Royal, 65, 66, 133, 134, 135, 136, 143, 246, 251.
Postage, 21.
Pottery of Stone Age, 258.
Poutrincourt, Baron, 65, 133, 135, 136, 143, 151.
Presque Isle, 265.
Prince Edward Island, 66, 274, 305–324.
agriculture, 309–310.
Car Ferry, 318.
Charles Dalton, pioneer fox farmer, 320.
explored, 62, 309.
first white settlement, 309.
fishing industries, 310.
fur farming, 310–316.
golf resorts, 317.
Government Narrow Gauge Railway, 318–319.
joins confederation, 72.
Micmac Indians, 319.
oyster culture, 319.
payments by provincial government, 309.
steamer connections, 307.
Provincial Government,
oyster culture, 319.
payment by, 309.
Provincial railways and steamers, 7–14, 97.
Publicity Agency, Charlottetown, 17.
Pubnico, 170.
Pulp Mills, 376.

Quebec, 268, 275, 284.
founders of, 143.
Quebec and Halifax Navigation Company, 71.
Quebec Oriental Railway, 283.
Quebec Steamship Co., 2, 3, 285.

Radio Station, Newcastle, 278.
Raid from Vermont, 72.
Rail and steamer tours, 357–383.
connection from United States and Montreal, 4–6.
Railway, first operated, 70.
Ramezay, 108–109.
Rand, Benjamin, Ph.D., 128.
Reverend Silas, 130.
de Razilly, Isaac, 65, 180.
Red Cross Line, 1, 148, 327, 333.
Red Indian Lake, 377.
Reid–Newfoundland Co., 12, 328, 330, 331, 361.
Reid, Sir Robert, 330.
Reiez, Gregoria, 137–139.
Reindeer, Lapland, 376.
Renews, 352, 353.
Restigouche River, 266, 283, 287.
Richibucto, 275.
Rigoulette, 355.
River flowing in three directions, 243–244.
Rivière du Loup, 268.
Roberts, Charles G. D., 261.
Roberval, 63.
Robichaud, Prudent, 160.
Robin, Charles, 288.
Robin and Co., 218, 280, 294, 299, 300.
Robin, Jones and Whitman, 288.
de la Roche, Marquis, 97.
Rod and Gun Club, 146.
Roosevelt, 355, 359.