Page:Tourist's Maritime Provinces.djvu/508

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Stone Age discoveries, 258–259.
St. Andrew's, 249.
Friendly Society, 250.
Grenock Church, 250.
St. Anne, College of, 161.
St. Anne de Beaupré of New Brunswick, 276.
St. Anne's Point, 260.
St. Anthony, 376.
St. Croix River, 249, 250–252.
St. Croix Settlement, 251.
St. George, 247–248, 379.
St. George's Bay, 212.
St. Germain–en–Laye, Treaty of, 180.
St. John, N. B., 68, 80, 237–247, 268, 269.
and Boston Service, 70.
and South Coast, 237–254.
Church of St. John's, 241.
drives, 244, 253.
escutcheon British Empire, 240.
fire, 240.
Fort Dufferin, 244.
Fort Frederick, 238, 245–247.
Grand Falls of, 263.
King Square, 240.
Library, 241.
Queen Square, 240.
St. Andrew's Church, 240.
steamer connections, 247, 248, 252, 255.
300th anniversary, 241.
Tourist Bureau, 239, 247.
Trinity Church, 240.
Watch–tower, 244.
Winter Port, 237.
St. John River, 255–257.
discovery of, 64, 238.
first steamboat on, 70.
out–fall of, 243–244.
Valley, 255–268.
St. John Valley Railroad, 257.
St. Johns, Newfoundland, 344–350.
cod fishing and curing, 345.
excursions from, 350–353.
seal–killers, 346–348.
Seamen's Institute, 348.
Signal Hill, 344, 349, 350.
St. Joseph College, 275.
St. Lawrence, Gulf of, 62, 66, 276, 284, 300, 380.
St. Lawrence River, 286.
St. Leonards, 267.
St. Louis, 275.
Fort, 172.
St. Malo, 258.
St. Martins, 269.
St. Mary's Bay, 156, 157, 159, 160.
St. Peter's Canal, 222.
St. Pierre Island, 367, 368.
St. Pierre–Miquelon, 230, 389–397.
St. Stephen, 252.
Summerside, 318, 319.
steamer connection, 307.
Sussex, 270.
Sydney, 222, 223, 228, 230–232.
coal area, 230.
mines, 230–231.
North, 230, 232.
population, 231.
steamer connection, 230, 231.
Sydney River, 231.