Page:Tracts for the Times Vol 1.djvu/503

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VII. For, though some would have deceived me according to the flesh, yet the spirit is not deceived, being of God; for it knoweth whence it cometh and whither it goeth, and reproveth all the secrets of the heart. I cried out while I tarried with you, spake with a loud voice; "Give heed to the Bishop, to the Presbytery, and the Deacons." Now some suspected, that I spake things, as knowing beforehand that among them was a spirit of division. But He is my witness. He for whom I am in bonds, that I knew it not from any living man; but the Spirit proclaimed, saying, "Keep your body as the Temple of God; love Unity; avoid divisions; be ye followers of Jesus Christ, even as He is a follower of His Father."

VIII. Wherefore I did my part, as a man fitted to the preserving of unity. For where is division and wrath, there God dwelleth not. The Lord therefore forgiveth all, when they repent, if in repentance they turn to godly Unity and the Council of the Bishop. I have faith in the grace of Jesus Christ, that He will loose you from every bond; and I exhort you to do nothing with contention, but according to the instruction of Christ. And this, I say; because I heard some affirm, that I have not faith in the Gospel, unless I find it written in the Records; and when I told them. It is so written; they answered, Nay, it doth not so appear. But my records are Jesus Christ. My uncorrupted records are His cross and death and resurrection, and the faith which is by Him; in the which I desire to be justified through your prayers.

IX. The Priests indeed are good; but far more excellent is the High-Priest, who hath received charge of the Holy of Holies; who hath alone received charge of the hidden things of God. He is the door of the Father, through which enter in Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, and the Prophets, and the Apostles, and the Church. All these things tend to godly unity; but the Gospel hath an especial gift, namely, the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ, with His Passion and Resurrection. For the beloved Prophets brought tidings of Him; but the Gospel is the fulfillment of Immortality. All things are good together, if ye have faith with love.

X. Now as I am told that, through your prayer, and the hearts ye bear in Christ Jesus, the Church which is in Antioch, of