Page:Tradesman's' farewell.pdf/8

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Quick the lanyards cut to pieces;
come, my hearts, be stout and bold;
Plumb the well, the leak increases,
four feet water in the hold.

While o’er the ship wild waves are beating,
we for wives or children mourn;
Alas! from hence there’s no retreating;
alas! from hence there’s no return.
Still the leak is gaining on us,
both chain-pumps are chok’d below,
Heav'n have mercy now upon us,
for only that can save us now.

O’er the lee-beam is the land, boys;
let the guns o’er board be thrown;
To the pump come every hand, boys;
see our mizen-mast is gone;
The leak we’ve found, it cannot pour fast:
we’ve lighten’d her a foot or more;
Up, and rig a jury foremast;
she rights, she rights, boys, wcar off shore.

Now once more on joys we're thinking;
since kind fortune, spar’d our lives
Come, the can, boys, let’s be drinking
to our sweethearts and our wives.
Fill it up, about ship wheel it;
close to th’ lips a brimmer join
Where’s the tempest now? who feels it?
none, our danger’s drown’d in wine.