Page:Tragical history of George Barnwell (2).pdf/24

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bleſſed with this child till a late period of his age ſhe was the darling of his ſoul. He committed his affairs to the management of his two partners, Mr. Emery and Mr. Drudge.

For the firſt time George entered the metropolis. From the account he had received from Mental, of the meanneſs and avarice of traders, he was not a little ſurprised at the elegant appearance of Mr. Emry's reſidence. His aſtoniſhment increaſed, when, upon his admiſſion into the hall, he was ſurrounded by four or five ſtout fellows in blue and ſilver liveries. The youth was confuſed, and felt ſome difficulty in perſuading there gentlemen of the ceremonies to procure him an audience of Mr. Emery.

Some months paſſed away unmarked by any event of conſequence. Mental had not viſited him, though George conſtantly expected him. But it was his misfortune to fall in with a beautiful young woman who went under the name of Millwood, but turned out to be Ellinor, the daughter of Mental, who pretended to be deeply in love with him. She got him adviſed to murder his uncle, and ſhe, by the aſſiſtance of an Italian, called Zelotti with whom ſhe formerly cohabited. poisoned her father, that they might obtain poſſeſſion of their riches. —— For which they were all apprehended George was tried. condemned, and executed. Millwood went diſtracted in priſon broke a blood veſſel in her rage and died; and Zelotti poiſoned himſelf.