Page:Tragical history of Gill Morice (5).pdf/4

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And when he came to broken brig,
He bent his bow and swam,
And when he came to grass growing,
Set down his feet and ran:

And when he came to Barnard's ha',
Would neither chap nor ca',
But set his bent bow to his breast,
And lightly lap the wa'.
He would tell nae man his errand
Though twa stood at the gate,
But straight into the ha' he came,
Whare great folks sat at meat.

Hail! hail! my gentle sire and dame,
My message winna wait,
Dame, ye maun to the green wood gang,
Before that it be late.
Ye're bidden take this gay mantle,
It's a' gowd but the hem,
Ye maun go to the good green wood,
E'en by yourself alane.

There it is a silken sark,
Your ain hand sew'd the sleeve,
Ye maun come speak to Gill Morice,
Speir nae bauld Baron's leave.
The lady stamped wi' her foot,
And winked wi' her e'e,
But all that he could do or say,
Forbidden he wouldna be.