Page:Training for Citizenship.djvu/5

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The general summary of the investigations made by the boys shows that for the calendar year 1912 there were 86 manufacturing establishments in operation in Winston-Salem turning out an annual product valued at $37,000,000 from raw materials costing about fifteen and a half millions of dollars. All establishments not strictly classified as manufacturing establishments by the Federal Bureau of the Census are omitted in this computation.

With a population estimated at only 35,000, this means that for every man, woman, and child in Winston-Salem more than $1,000 of wealth is annually manufactured.

According to the report of the boys, more than 12,000 persons are employed in the manufacturing industries of Winston-Salem, receiving for their labor nearly four and a half millions of dollars a year. The capital reported for these establishments is placed at $16,000,000.

To more clearly understand the scope of the work performed by the boys of the Juvenile Club in the industrial survey of the city, the following condensed table will be of assistance:

Statistical review of the manufacturing industries of Winston-Salem, N. C., calendar year 1912.

Number of establishments [1] 86
Capital invested Dec. 31 $10,000,000

Number of salaried employees 700
Number of traveling salesmen employed 400
Number of wage earners 11,000

Total persons employed 12,100

Amount of salaries paid $750.000
Salaries and fees paid traveling salesmen $630.000
Amount of wages paid $3,000.000

Total pay roll $4,380.000
Cost of raw materials used during year $15,500.000
Value of finished product $37,000.000
Cost of new buildings erected $300.000
Cost of improvements and repairs $125.000
Cost of power, heat, and light $300.000
Number of tons of coal consumed 50,000


This, the "Winston-Salem plan," as it may be termed, trains the boys of the city for citizenship; first, in the high school, where they are taught the principles of civil government and instructed in the theories and basic problems governing our economic order; second, in the Juvenile Club where they have the means of being identified with real work of municipal development, and to take part in actual social and industrial investigations. Under this plan, an opportunity is provided for the boys to study at close range the varied industries of the city under competent direction and in an official capacity.

In brief, the plan essays to teach the boys how to live and to equip them with an education by which they can make a living, which, in the end, is the real secret of practical training for intelligent citizenship.

  1. Only establishments considered as manufacturing establishments according to the established classifications of the United States Bureau of the Census are included in this table.