Page:Transactions NZ Institute Volume 10.djvu/645

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Hawke Bay Philosophical Institute.

both ports, and there is no reason why it should not be sent home also viâ Sydney and Melbourne.

Assuming that it could be shipped in New Zealand as ballast at from £2 to £3 per ton, the only expense after that would be discharging it in London into the colliers for Neweastle as ballast, the expense of which is 5s. per ton. This would leave a very good return to the shipper.

The second export is Algæ, Zostera marina, or Sea-grass.

It is found in France, Spain, and the Morocco Coast. In New Zealand it is found in large quantities on the coasts of the North Island.

It is used in England extensively for stuffing mattrasses, carriages, furniture, etc.; the demand is unlimited; the value in London is from £7 10s. to £10 per ton, and more if clean and free from sand.

The specimen produced is from the vicinity of Auckland.

Specimens of ores of Manganese, and of the plant Zostera marina, were exhibited by the author.

A short discussion arose on both of those papers.

FOURTH MEETING. 5th November, 1877.

R. Stuart, Vice-president, in the chair.

The nomination for the election of honorary members of the New Zealand Institute

was made in accordance with Statute IV.
