Page:Transactions NZ Institute Volume 10.djvu/9

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The Editor begs to acknowledge assistance afforded by the following gentlemen in revising their papers for this volume:—viz., Messrs. Carruthers, Higginson, Buller, Newman, Skey, and Travers. Most of the proofs of Mr. Kirk's papers were also corrected by him, while Mr. Stack corrected his map and genealogies, and Mr. Cockburn-Hood sent his paper in print with corrections marked thereon.

The paper on the Botany of New Zealand, by Mr. Kirk, which appears in the Appendix, was reserved by the author for completion, on receipt of certain works of reference, until too late for insertion in its proper place in the volume.

The thanks of the Board are due to Mr. Gore for the preparation of the usual Meteorological Abstracts in advance of the annual statistics, and to Mr. Buchanan, draftsman, and Mr. Deveril, of the photo-lithographic department, for their valuable assistance in the illustration of the volume; and to Mr. Earle, who, by permission of the Hon. the Colonial Secretary, was allowed to print the plates at the Government lithographic establishment.

Attention has to be drawn to the fact that, subsequent to the publication of Volume IX., a supplement to that volume was published in July, containing the Proceedings for that year, and an Appendix containing several important papers that had been held over.