Page:Transactions NZ Institute Volume 15.djvu/641

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Philosophical Institute of Canterbury.

Ninth Meeting. 5th October, 1882.

Professor J. von Haast, President, in the chair.

New Member.—Dr. W. H. Gaze.

1. "Notes on and a new Species of Subterranean Crustacea," by C. Chilton, M.A. (Transactions, p. 87.)

2. "On the New Zealand Desmidieæ, Additions to Catalogue and Notes on various Species," by W. M. Maskell. (Transactions, p. 237.)

3. "Further Notes on the Rock Shelter of Weka Pass," by Professor J. von Haast.

Tenth Meeting. 19th October, 1882.

Professor J. von Haast, President, in the chair.

New Member.—W. Watt.

1. According to notice, the discussion on Professor J. von Haast's paper on the Rock Shelter at Weka Pass was resumed, and was taken part in by Professors J. von Haast, Hutton, Haslam, and Cook, and Messrs. Fereday, Inglis, and Maskell.

2. "Descriptions of new Land Shells," by Professor F. W. Hutton. (Transactions, p. 134.)

Annual Meeting. 2nd November, 1882.

Professor J. von Haast, President, in the chair.


One special and nine ordinary meetings have been held, at which 18 papers have been read contributed by seven authors, viz.,—13 on Zoology, 2 on Geology, 2 on Botany, and 1 of a miscellaneous character.

Nine new members have been added to the list during the year, and 13 have withdrawn, making the number at present on the books 164.

The Council is pleased to state that valuable additions have been made to the library during the year. The donations comprise 18 volumes and about 220 pamphlets.

The additions made to the library by purchase number 128 volumes, including a valuable and complete series of the Annals and Magazine of Natural History, and also Emelin's Handbook of Chemistry.

The Council deemed it advisable in the early part of the session, to appoint a committee to revise the Rules of the Institute, and the changes were adopted at a special meeting of the Institute held 9th February, 1882.

The Council has corresponded with the other affiliated societies of the New Zealand Institute, asking if they would co-operate in suggesting to the Board of Governors the desirability of publishing the Transactions either quarterly or half-yearly. The majority of replies were favourable, but as the societies were not unanimous, the Council did not consider it advisable to proceed with the matter.

The report of the Microscopical Section stated that meetings had been held twice a month during the session, and that several of the members were actively engaged in original work.