Page:Transactions NZ Institute Volume 15.djvu/643

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First Meeting. 28th March, 1882.

G. M. Thomson, Vice-President, in the chair.

New Members.—James Hendry, B.A., Robert Jones, Wm. A. Dixon.

The meeting resolved itself into a conversazione, at which the following objects were exhibited:—

Single and Compound Microscopes—Messrs. Thomson, Gillies, and Chapman.
Collection of New Zealand Lepidoptera—Mr. P. Fulton.
{{{1}}}{{{1}}}{{{1}}}{{{1}}} Coleoptera—Mr. S. Fulton.
{{{1}}}{{{1}}} Australian Graptolites—Mr. F. Chapman.
{{{1}}}{{{1}}} New Zealand Fossil Plants—Mr. Montgomery, jun.
Preparations and Casts illustrating Human Anatomy, including Brains prepared by Giacomini's glycerine process—Prof. Scott.
Collection of Invertebrata in alcohol (from Zool. Station, Naples), Casts of Fossils, and other specimens recently added to the Museum—Prof. Parker.

Second Meeting. 9th May, 1882.

W. Arthur, C.E., President, in the chair.

New Member.—Captain R. A. E. Scott, R.N.

1. "On Macquarie Island," by Prof. Scott. (Transactions, p. 484.)

2. "On the New Zealand Copepoda," by G. M. Thomson. (Transactions, p. 93.)

3. "On the Connection between the Air-bladder and the Organ of Hearing in the Red Cod," by Prof. Parker. (Transactions, p. 234.)

Third Meeting. 15th August, 1882.

W. Arthur, President, in the chair.

New Members—Edward Milland, David Cosgrove.

1. "Notes on the New Zealand Sprat," by W. Arthur. (Transactions, p. 203.)

2. "On the Diseased Trout of Lake Wakatipu," by W. Arthur. (Transactions, p. 198.)

3. "Notes on the Anatomy and Embryology of Scymnus lichia," by Prof. Parker. (Transactions, p. 222.)

4. The Secretary exhibited the skeleton of a cow and other specimens lately added to the Museum.