Page:Transactions NZ Institute Volume 15.djvu/648

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Specimens of the same in their various stages, together with those of some other plants, were also shown; and specimens of all the ferns were reserved for the Colonial Museum.

2. "On the hackneyed Quotation of 'Macaulay's New Zealander,'" by W. Colenso, F.L.S.

3. A fine and extensive suite of nicely preserved specimens of British and European Sphagna (more than 100 in number), lately received from Mr. Wm. Curnow, of Penzance, England, were also shown; and some highly curious teeth and fragments of bones (not fossil) of some small unknown Mammal, found by Mr. Balfour at Glenross, Hawke's Bay, were exhibited. These teeth, with their finely cut surfaces of numerous sharp points, excited great interest; they seemed to have belonged to some insectivorous animal. The whole lot was sent to Wellington, to Dr. Hector, for critical examination.

Third Meeting, 10th July, 1882.

The Right Rev. the Bishop of Waiapu, President, in the chair.

New Members.—Dr. Caro, Rev. A. D. Mulvihill, Wm. Bogle, L. Lessong, F. Reader.

1. "On Nomenclature," part i., by W. Colenso, F.L.S.

1. Mr. Hamilton exhibited a collection of Sponges of various kinds and sizes, all from Hawke's Bay, with explanatory remarks on the nature, varieties, and growth of sponges.

Fourth Meeting. 14th August, 1882.

The Right Rev. the Bishop of Waiapu, President, in the chair.

New Members.—Wm. Balfour, J. J. Drennan.

1. "Historical Traditions of the Taupo and East Coast Tribes, by S. Locke. (Transactions, p. 433.)

2. Mr. Colenso called the attention of the members to Mr. Montagu Lubbock's able paper "On the Development of the Colour Sense" (in the "Fortnightly Review" for April, 1882), as fully bearing out what he (Mr. Colenso) had last year brought before them in his paper "On the Colour Sense of the Ancient Maoris," and published in this year's vol. (xiv.) of the "Transactions N.Z. Institute." He also read several extracts from Mr. Lubbock's paper in confirmation.

Fifth Meeting. 11th September, 1882.

The Right Rev. the Bishop of Waiapu, President, in the chair.

1. "On some newly-discovered New Zealand Arachnids" by W. Colenso, F.L.S. (Transactions, p. 165.)

This paper was illustrated by specimens.

2. "On Nomenclature," part ii., by W. Colenso, F.L.S.

{fine block|3. Fossil specimens of marine shells were exhibited, found by Mr. John Stewart in the neighbourhood of Takapau, county of Waipawa.}}