Page:Transactions NZ Institute Volume 15.djvu/657

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First Meeting. 9th May, 1882.

J. T. Thomson, F.R.G.S., President, in the chair.

New Members.—H. Feldwick, M.H.R., T. B. Bennett, H. Wild, Rev. J. Hobbs, C. Gilbertson.

1. The President delivered an address on the work done by the New Zealand Institute.

2. "On the Formation of the Quartz Pebbles of the Southland Plains," by W. S. Hamilton. (Transactions, p. 414.)

Second Meeting. 13th June, 1882.

J. T. Thomson, F.R.G.S., President, in the chair.

New Members.—D. W. McArthur, J. Hain.

1. "On the Importance of Forestry," by D. McArthur. (Transactions, p. 461.)

2. "A Chapter on Folk Lore," by J. G. S. Smith.

Third Meeting. 11th July, 1882.

T. Denniston in the chair.

1. "On Self-registering Windmills," by J. T. Thomson. (Plate XL.)


The author gives an account of the various contrivances that have been adopted for obtaining a self-regulating Windmill, and describes in minute detail the experimental steps by which he was led to the invention of the particular form of windmill which he recommends; the leading features of which can be most easily understood from the accompanying illustration.

Fourth Meeting. 8th August, 1882.

H. Carswell in the chair.

1. "The Use of the Training Walls in deepening Invercargill Harbour," by J. T. Thomson.

Fifth Meeting. 12th September, 1882.

J. T. Thomson, F.R.G.S., President, in the chair.

New Members.—John Gammell, Chas. McLean.

1. "The Surface Features of the Earth and Local Variations in the Force of Gravity," by T. B. Wakelin. (Transactions, p. 463.)