Page:Transactions NZ Institute Volume 7.djvu/13

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XLVII. On the flowering Plants and Ferns of the Chatham Islands. By John Buchanan, of the Geological Survey Department 333–341
XLVIII. Observations on the different Modifications in the Capsules of Mosses, with reference to the Dispersion of their Spores. By Captain F. W. Hutton, C.M.Z.S., etc. 342–347
XLIX. Description of a new Species of Senecio. By Thomas F. Cheeseman, F.L.S. 348
L. On the Fertilization of Acianthus and Cyrtostilis. By Thomas F. Cheeseman 349–352
LI. On Pterostylis squamata in New Zealand. By Thomas F. Cheeseman 352–353
LII. A Description of some new Species of Gymnostomum. By Charles Knight, F.R.C.S., F.L.S. 354–355
LIII. Description of some New Zealand Lichens. By Charles Knight 356–367
LIV. Description of a new Lichen (Stereocaulon buchanani). By James Stirton, M.D. Communicated by John Buchanan 367–368
Notes on Stereocaulon buchanani, Stirton. By Charles Knight, F.R.C.S., F.L.S. 368–369
LV. On the Occurrence of Hæmatococcus sanguineus on the Wool of a Dead Sheep. By Swen Berggren, Ph.D., Lund University. Communicated by Julius Haast, Ph.D., F.R.S. 369–370
LVI. On some of the Naturalized Plants of Otago. By G. M. Thomson 370–376
LVII. On Mottled Kauri. By James Stewart, C.E. 376–377
LVIII. Description of a new Species of Isoëtes. By T. Kirk, F.L.S. 377
LIX. On the Occurrence of Juncus lamprocarpus, Ehr., in New Zealand. By T. Kirk 378
LX. On the Analogy of Cyanogen to Oxygen. By William Skey, Analyst to the Geological Survey of New Zealand 379–383
LXI. On the Evolution of Heat during the Hydration of Clay-slate, Clay, and Coal. By William Skey 384–387
LXII. Notes on the Formation and Constitution of Torbanite and similar Minerals. By William Skey 387–389
LXIII. On the Evolution of absorbed Sulphur from Carbon by Voltaic Action; with Notes upon the Rev. H. Highton's Theory for explaining the Evolution of this Gas from certain Batteries in Work. By William Skey 389–395
LXIV. On Duplex Telegraphy. By Charles Lemon, General Manager, New Zealand Telegraphs 396–403
LXV. On a Modification of the Electric Lamp for projecting the Spectra of different Metals on the Screen. By A. W. Bickerton, F.C.S., Professor of Chemistry in Canterbury College 403
LXVI. Notes on the Colouring Matter of Hæmatococcus sanguineus. By Llewellyn Powell, M.D. 404–405
LXVII. Notes on the Chemical Properties of some of the Strata from Mr. Firth's Well at Mount Eden. By J. A. Pond 405–407
LXVIII. Notes on Dr. Haast's supposed Pleistocene Glaciation of New Zealand. By W. T. L. Travers, F.L.S. 409–440
LXIX. On the Date of the Glacial Period; a Comparison of Views represented in Papers published in the Transactions of the N.Z. Institute, Vols. V. and VI. By A. Dudley Dobson, C.E. 440–446
LXX. The Glacial Period of New Zealand. By Thomas Mackay, C.E. 447