Page:Transactions NZ Institute Volume 9.djvu/10

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I. Travers.—Mori-ori Carvings  22
II. Phillips.—Map of Pacific Islands  60
III. Buller.—Skull of Maori Rat 182
{{{1}}} New Zealand Mason Wasp
Buchanan.—Old Matai Tree
IV. Arthur.—Skew Bridges 266
V. {{{1}}}{{{1}}} 268
VI. Rosson.—Maori Implements 280
VII. Hutton.—Earth-worms 352
VIII. Hector.—Fishes 468
IX. {{{1}}}{{{1}}} 466
X. {{{1}}}{{{1}}} 468
XI. {{{1}}} Skulls of Porpoises 480
XII. {{{1}}} Tursio metis Bones 482
XIII. {{{1}}} Globiocephalus (Outline) 482
XIIIa. {{{1}}}{{{1}}}Bones 484
XIV. Buller.—Deformities in the Bill of Nestor meridionalis 340
XV. {{{1}}} Phalacrocorax and Eudyptula 338
XVI. Hutton.—Tertiary Shells 594
XVII. Buller.Naultinus pulcherrimus 326
XVII. Buchanan.—Root of Marattia fraxinea 528
XIX. Buchanan.Gnaphalium fasciculatum 528
Kirk.Veronica canescens
XX. Buchanan.Panax crassifolium 530
XXI. {{{1}}} Panax longissimum 530
XXII. Smith.—Geological Map, Hawke Bay 566
XXIII. {{{1}}} Sections of the above Map 568
XXIV. Haast.Epiodon Teeth and Ear-bones 440
XXV. {{{1}}} Mesoplodon and Epiodon Skeletons 442
XXXVI. {{{1}}} Whales' Skulls 444
XXVII. Hector.—Crab and Trilobite 474
XXVIII. Van Beneden.Anas Finschi 600
XXIX. Kirk.Pilularia 548
XXX. {{{1}}} Celmisia 548