Page:Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute - Volume 1 (2nd ed.).djvu/461

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Preliminary Meeting—(held in the Legislative Council Chamber).
13th November, 1867.

His Excellency Sir George Grey, K.C.B., President, in the chair.

Mr. R. Pharazyn stated that the object of the meeting was to adopt the resolutions come to by the trustees of the old Society, and to elect officers; also that seventy-four persons had paid subscriptions and become original members of the Society.

The following resolutions were adopted:—

  1. That an effort should be made to reconstitute the New Zealand Society on the basis of the old New Zealand Society.
  2. That the Society so reconstituted should be incorporated under "The New Zealand Institute Act, 1867."
  3. That the rules of the New Zealand Society be adopted, subject to amendment.
  4. That all members of the New Zealand Society, all members of the General Assembly, and all other persons who, on or before the 15th of October, shall have signified their desire to become members, shall be entitled, on payment of the annual subscription of one guinea on or before the 31st of October, to be placed on the list of original members of the reconstituted Society.
  5. That His Excellency Sir George Grey be requested to act as President of the New Zealand Society.
  6. That His Honor the Superintendent of Wellington and His Lordship the Bishop of Wellington be Vice-Presidents of the Society.
  7. That the following gentlemen be the Council of the Society:—Messrs. R. Hart, A. Sheath, W. T. L. Travers, J. C. Crawford, E. Pharazyn.
  8. That Mr. E. Pharazyn be appointed Honorary Secretary and Treasurer of the New Zealand Society.
  9. That the Council be authorized to revise and prepare rules to be adopted at a general meeting of the Society, to be held on Wednesday, the 4th of December, 1867.