Page:Transactions of the Natural History Society of Northumberland, Durham, and Newcastle-upon-Tyne (1867).djvu/266

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6. SALIX, L.

1. S. pentandra Salix pentandra, L. Native. Scottish type. Area C, N, D. Range 1, 2.

Frequent in damp woods and by stream-sides, ascending in Coquetdale to Harbottle, in Allendale to 450 yards, and in Teesdale to the junction of the Whey Sike with Harwood Beck. Winch's S. amygdalina is this species, not S. triandra.

2. S. fragilis Salix fragilis, L. Native. British type. Area C, N, D. Range 1, 2.

Common by stream-sides and in damp woods, ascending in Weardale to 1000 feet near St. John's Chapel, and in East Allendale to 450 yards, but perhaps not indigenous in the Middle zone.

3. S. alba Salix alba, L. Native. British type. Area C, N, D. Range 1.

Stream-sides and damp woods, often associated with the last, ascending in Allendale to 250 yards near Catton. Vars. caerulea and vitellina, both occur occasionally.

4. S. triandra Salix triandra, L. Native. English type. Area C, N, D. Range 1.

Frequent by stream-sides in the low country, ascending to the Till at Wooler and the mouth of the Erring Burn at Barrasford.

5. S. purpurea Salix purpurea, L. Native. British type. Area C, N, D. Range 1, 2.

Stream-sides and damp woods, most frequent in the dales, as by the Tees about Middleton, the Wooler Water below Caldgate Mill, the Till at Branton, the Coquet at Sharperton. Ascends in East Allendale to 1450 feet. Var. Helix not uncommon.

6. S. rubra Salix rubra, Huds. Native. English type. Area C, N, D. Range 1.

Stream-sides, confined to the low country. Banks of the Wooler Water, Tyne, Team, Derwent, Wear, and Tees.