Page:Transactions of the Natural History Society of Northumberland, Durham, and Newcastle-upon-Tyne (1867).djvu/29

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Limestone southward of the Stublick Dike with the northern beds in Northumberland, as the physical characters of the two series are so different, and because, moreover, the organic contents of the southern beds are imperfectly known. In addition to the fossils already noticed I have seen the following, from limestone and shale, at Stanhope: Terebratula hastata Terebratula hastata; Rhynchonella pleurodon Rhynchonella pleurodon; Athyris ambigua Athyris ambigua; Spirifer integricostatus Spirifer integricostatus, octoplicatus Spirifer octoplicatus, glaber Spirifer glaber; Pleurotomaria altavitta Pleurotomaria altavitta; Bellerophon striatus Bellerophon striatus; Dentalium priscum Dentalium priscum. The beds, in this part of our district, have, however, been divided into two groups; those above the Whin Sill, from the Tyne bottom to the Fell Top Limestone, have been referred to the Yoredale series of Philips, and those below the Sill to the Scar Limestone of that author; but this division seems arbitrary, and is not yet supported by organic remains; and it would moreover apply to a limited area only. It would not apply to the northern series; for the Whin Sill, though intruded into the calcareous division of that group, and generally among the higher beds, has no definite place among them—indeed, it cuts through them, and we find its relative vertical position among the strata varying to the extent of 1000 feet.

Throughout the whole of the Mountain Limestone fossil plants, identical with those found in the Newcastle Coal Measures, or analogous to them, occur in the sandstones and shales, and even in the coal itself. The following species are a few of those which have been noticed: Araucarites carbonarius Araucarites carbonarius; Stigmaria ficoides Stigmaria ficoides, very abundantly; Sigillaria organa Sigillaria organa, Lepidodendron Harcourtii Lepidodendron Harcourtii, obovatum Lepidodendron obovatum, aculeatum Lepidodendron aculeatum, Sternbergii Sternbergii, selaginoides Sternbergii selaginoides, gracile Sternbergii gracile, anglicum Sternbergii anglicum, &c.; Ulodendron ornatissimum Ulodendron ornatissimum; Knorria imbricata Knorria imbricata; taxina Knorria taxina; Catamites Suckowii Catamites Suckowii, cannaeformis Catamites cannaeformis. &c. Perns, so abundant in the Coal Measures, are rare in this group ; in a few localities Sphenopteris Johnstoniana Sphenopteris Johnstoniana has been found, a species allied to S. gracilis Sphenopteris gracilis.

Of our modern Flora a few plants in Northumberland are peculiar to the limestone, such as Sesleria caerulea Sesleria caerulea, Potentilla verna Potentilla crantzii, Spiraea filipendula Filipendula vulgaris, and Saxifraga tridactylites Saxifraga tridactylites. A few others, though not entirely confined to limestone soils, rarely grow elsewhere, such as Scabiosa columbaria Scabiosa columbaria, Viola hirta Viola hirta, Plantago media Plantago media.