Page:Transactions of the Natural History Society of Northumberland, Durham, and Newcastle-upon-Tyne (1867).djvu/315

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1. A. viride Asplenium viride, Huds. Native. Highland type. Area C, N, D. Range 1, 2.

On Cheviot sparingly, on porphyritic crags in the Brizzle ravine. By the Irthing at Wardrew and Cromel Linn, and in Sonth Tynedale in Whinetley Dene. In the Wear district in Harthope and Irishope. In Teesdale on Falcon Glints and the limestone scars of Harwood Dale. Range of altitude 150-550 yards.

2. A. trichomanes Asplenium trichomanes, L. Native. British type. Area C, N, D. Range 1, 2.

Walls and rocks, frequent, ascending to the Main Limestone scars of Bleak Law, 550 yards.

8. A. marinum Asplenium marinum, L. Native. Maritime. British type. Area C, N, D. Range 1.

Sparingly on rocks along the coast. Howick, Seaton Sluice, Marsden, Byer's Cave near Whitburn, Black Hall rocks near Hartlepool.

4. A. adiantum-nigrum Asplenium adiantum-nigrum, L. Native. British type. Area C, N, D. Range 1, 2.

Walls and rocks, frequent, ascending in Teesdale to the Main Limestone scars of Lendrith Hill, 500 yards.

5. A. ruta-muraria Asplenium ruta-muraria, L. Native. British type. Area C, N, D. Range 1, 2.

Walls and rocks, frequent, ascending in Teesdale to the Main Limestone scars of Newbiggen Moor, 550 yards. Very rare in Cheviot-land. On the limestone at Ratcheugh, and said to have been found also on Spindlestone crags (T.).

6. A. germanicum Asplenium septentrionale, Weiss. Native. Scottish type. Area C. Range 1.

Very sparingly amongst the basaltic debris at Kyloe, noticed for two seasons, one plant with nearly one hundred fronds, 150 yards (T.).