Page:Transactions of the Natural History Society of Northumberland, Durham, and Newcastle-upon-Tyne 1838 Vol.2.djvu/12

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Mr. Winch's Flora of Northumberland, &c.

β V. humifusa Veronica serpyllifolia subsp. humifusa, Dicks. Linn. Tr. ii. 288; With ii. 18.
In meadows, pastures, gardens, &c. β by rivulets on the sides of Cheviot, N.

Sm. Eng. Fl. i. 20; Eng. Bot. 655; Curt. Fasc. ii. t. 8; Hook. Fl. Scot. 6.
In rivulets and ditches.

3. V. Anagallis Veronica anagallis-aquatica. Water Speedwell, Long-leaved Brooklime.

Sm. Eng. Fl. i. 21; Eng. Bot. 781; With. ii. 18; Curt. Fasc. v. t. 2; Gr. Fl. Eds. 3; Berwick Flora, 6.
In the Ousebourn, in ditches near Tynemouth, and at Prestwick Carr, N. In ditches near West Boldon and Harton, D. In Whitburn Moor Lane. — Rev. J. Symons; and near Norton, D.—John Hogg, Esq.

4. V. scutellata Veronica scutellata. Narrow-leaved Marsh Speedwell.

Sm. Eng. Fl. i. 21; Eng. Bot. 782; With. ii. 19; Curt. Fasc. v. t. 2; Gr. Fl. Eds. 3; Berwick Flora, 7.
In bogs at Prestwick Carr, and on Newcastle Town Moor, N. Below Calf Hill.—Thompson's Berwick Plants. In ditches near Twizell House. — Mrs. Selby. In Purdies Bog.—Miss Forster, delin.; and by ponds on Alnwick Moor, N.—Mr. J. Davison. At West Boldon, Harton, East Morton, Beamish, and by the Whey Syke and Cauldron Snout, Teesdale, D. Hill Close Carr Mr. E. Robson. Near Castle Eden, D.—Rev. J. Symons.

5. V. officinalis Veronica officinalis. Male or Common Speedwell.

Sm. Eng. Fl. i. 22; Eng. Bot. 765; Curt. Fasc. iii. t. 1; Hook. Fl. Scot. 6; Berwick Flora, 7. On heaths, dry banks, &e. frequent.

6 V. Chamaedrys Veronica chamaedrys. Germander Speedwell, Wild Germander.

Sm. Eng. Fl. i. 23; Eng. Bot. 623; Curt. Fasc. i. t. 2; Hook. Fl. Scot. 7; Berwick Flora, 7.
In meadows, pastures, gardens, &c.

7. V. montana Veronica montana. Mountain Speedwell, Mountain Madwort.

Sm. Eng. Fl. i. 23; Eng. Bot. 786; Curt. Fasc. iv. t. 2; Gr. Fl. Eds. 4.
In woods, but not very common.

8. V. agrestis Veronica agrestis. Green Procumbent Speedwell, Germander Chickweed.

Sm. Eng. Fl. i. 24; Eng. Bot. t. 783 and t. 2603; Curt. Fasc. i. t. 1; V. pulchella, Lam. and De Cand. v. 388, according to specimens from Thomas of Bex.
On cultivated ground everywhere.
Fries, a German Botanist, as well as the authors of the Supplement to the English Botany, have separated Veronica agrestris into two species (see 763 and 2603) though the plant with blue flowers, and the other with the lower petals variegated with white, are found constantly growing together, and can scarcely be considered as varieties. The seeds of both vary in number. Veronica polita Veronica polita is the name assigned by them to the plant figured at 763.

9. V . filiformis Veronica filiformis. Long-stalked Speedwell.

Lam. and De Cand. Fl. Fr. v.388 (excluding Sm. in Linn. Tr. ii. 195); Berwick Flora, 252, f. 1; V. agrestis β, Sm. Fl. Graec. t. 8; Prod. i. 9; V. Buxbaumii, Tenore Fl. Neap. i. p. 7, t. 10; Linn. Syst. Veg. Spreng. i. 75.
Naturalized in the dene near Twizell House, N. Indigenous at Whiterig, in Berwickshire, eight miles from Berwick. — Dr. G. Johnston.

10. V. arvensis Veronica arvensis. Wall Speedwell, Speedwell Chickweed.

Sm. Eng. Fl. i. 24; Eng. Bot. 734; Curt. Fasc. ii. t. 2; Hook. Fl. Scot. 7.
On dry banks, walls, &c.

11. V. hederifolia Veronica hederifolia. Ivy-leaved Speedwell, Small Henbit.

Sm. Eng. Fl. i. 25; Eng. Bot. 784; Curt. Fasc. ii. t. 1; Hook. Fl. Scot. 7; Berwick Flora, 7. On cultivated ground, frequent.

1. P. vulgaris Pinguicula vulgaris. Common Butterwort, Yorkshire Sanicle.

Sm. Eng. Fl. i. 28; Eng. Bot. 70; Hook. Lond. t. 140; Fl. Scot. 88; Berwick Flora, 8. In bogs on moors. There is a variety in mountainous boggy meadows, with a very large flower of a duller purple, and a remarkably long spur Wallis's Northumberland, vol. i. p. 222.

1. U. vulgaris Utricularia vulgaris. Common Bladderwort, Hooded Milfoil.

Sm. Eng. Fl. i. 30; Eng. Bot. 253; Gr. Fl. Eds.; Berwick Flora, 8; With. ii. 24. At Prestwick Carr, N. In the pond-field above Spindlestone. — Dr. G. Johnstone. In Newham Lough near Bamborough, N — Miss Pringle, Sp. At Hell. kettles and Polam, near Darlington, D. At Hardwick, near Sedgefield, D. — J. Hogg, Esq.

2. U. intermedia Utricularia intermedia. Intermediate Bladderwort.

Sm. Eng. Fl. i. 30; Eng. Bot. 2489; Hook. FI. Scot. 9.
At Prestwick Carr and in Bromley Lough, N. But never observed to flower.

3. U. minor Utricularia minor. Lesser Bladderwort.

Sm. Eng. Fl. i. 31; Eng. Bot. 254; Hook. Fl. Scot. 9; Gr. Fl. Eds. 5; With. ii. 24. In bogs on Plainmeller Fell, opposite Haltwhistle, N. —Miss Dale, Sp.

1. L. trisulca Lemna trisulca. Ivy-leaved Duckweed.

Sm. Eng. Fl. i. 32; Eng. Bot. 926; Hook. Lond. t. 119; Fl. Scot. 10; Berwick Flora, 9.
In clear stagnant pools near Newcastle. In ditches near Sunderland, and at Hell-kettles near Darlington, D. In stells in the Billingham Vale, D John Hogg, Esq. In ditches on Boldon Hills. — Rev. J. Symons.

2. L. minor Lemna minor. Lesser Duck-weed.

Sm. Eng. Fl. i. 32; Eng. Bot. 1095; Hook. Lond. t. 120; Fl. Scot. 11.
In ponds and ditches, everywhere.

1. L. europaeus Lycopus europaeus. Water Horehound, Gypsywort.

Sm. Eng. Fl. i. 34; Eng. Bot. 1105; Curt. Fasc. iii. t. 2; Hook. Fl. Scot. 9. At Prestwick Carr, and in the Ouse-bourn, N. On the banks of Team, near Urpeth Mill, Team Bridge, and Lamesley, D.