Page:Transactions of the Natural History Society of Northumberland, Durham, and Newcastle-upon-Tyne 1838 Vol.2.djvu/121

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Mr. WINCH's Flora of Northumberland, &c.

Flora, ii. 154; Helvella gelatinosa, Bull. t. 473, f. 2; Sowerby, t. 70; With. iv. 407.
Among dead leaves in Walbottle Dene, N. In woods at Hilton and Lumley Castle, D. In the neighbourhood of Berwick, N., rare. — Dr. G. Johnston.

3. L. Mitrula.

Gr. Crypt, t. 81; Persoon, Syn. 611; Clavaria ferruginea, Sowerby, t. 84.
In Fir plantations at Butsfield, D. Near Corbridge and Hexham, N.


1. S. flavida.

Gr. Crypt, t. 165; Persoon, Syn. 610; Helvella spatulata, Sowerby, t. 35; H. feritoria, Bolton, t. 96; Clavaria spatulata, With. iv. 431; Elvella clavata, Schaeff. t. 149.
In woods near Butsfield, Lanchester, and Medomsley, D. Near Darlington Mr. E. Robson. Near Wylam and Ovingham, N.


1. H. Mitra.

Gr. Crypt, t. 86; Fl. Eds. 417; Bull. t. 190 and 466; Persoon, Syn. 615; With. iv. 406; Elvella nigricans, Schaeff. t. 154; E. monacella, t. 162.
On the ground near Kibblesworth, and in Gibside, Cocken, and Lumley Woods, D. Near Stannington Bridge and Hartford, N.

2. H. leucophaea.

Gr. Crypt, t. 143; Fl. Eds. 417; H. Mytra, Sowerby, t. 39; Bull. t. 466, var. fulva, 1. c.; H. albida, Schaeff. t. 282.
In woods at Ravensworth and Beamish, D. Near Darlington Mr. E. Robson. In woods at Fenham, Blagdon, and Wylam, N.

3. H. fuliginosa.

With. iv. 409; Sowerby, t. 154; H. Mitra, Bolton, t, 95; H. elastica, Bull. f. 242; Elvella fuliginosa, Schaeff. t. 320.
In Gibside and Longacre Woods, D. In woods by the Coquet at Felton, N.

4. H. plana.

With. iv. 409; Northumberland and Durham Guide, ii. 98; H. planus, Hudson, 633.
In Longacre Wood, and Gibside Woods, D.
Probably not a good species.


1. M. esculenta.

Gr. Crypt, t. 68; Fl. Eds. 417; Persoon, Syn. 618; Lam. and De Cand. ii. 213; Berwick Flora, ii. 155; Phallus esculentus, With. iv. 428; Bull. t. 218; Bolton, t. 91; Helvetia esculenta, Sowerby, t. 51, the left hand fig.
Near Ryton, Prudhoe Castle, Medomsley, Gibside, Chester-le-Street, Cocken, and Darlington, also in Weardale and Teesdale, D. Near Wylam and Corbridge, also in East Common Wood N. Near Mitford on the Wansbeck, and near Twizell House. — W.C. Trevelyan, Esq. In the neighbourhood of Berwick, N., rare. — Dr. G. Johnston.

2. M. hybrida.

Gr. Fl. Eds. 418; Crypt, t. 89; Persoon, Syn. 620; Helvetia hybrida, Sowerby, t. 238; Northumberland and Durham Guide, ii. 98.
Near Darlington, D. Sent to Sowerby by Mr. E. Robson. In Cocken and Lumley Woods, D.


1. P. foetidus.

Gr. Crypt, t. 213 and 214; Fl. Eds. 418; Sowerby, t. 329; Berwick Flora, ii. 155; P. impudicus, Bull. t. 182; Bolton, t. 92; Schaeff. t. 196, 8; With. iv. 428; Persoon, Syn. 243.
Near Hexham, Wallington, Wylam, Heaton, and Jesmond, N. In Castle Eden Dene near Darlington, Cocken, Beamish, Urpeth, and the woods on the Derwent, D.

2. P. caninus.

With. iv. 429; Curt. Lond. t. 235; Sowerby, t. 300; Persoon, Syn. 245; Sehaeff. t. 330; Northumberland and Durham Guide, ii. 103.
On an old stone fence in the Spital Grounds near Hexham, N. — Mr. F. Scott, Sp. In plantations near Corbridge, N.

123. PEZIZA.

1. P. inquinans.

Persoon, Syn. 631; Bull. t. 460, f. 1; Schaeff. t. 158; P. polymorpha, Lightfoot, 1055; P. nigra, Northumberland and Durham Guide, ii. 102.
In Ravensworth Wood near Farnacres, D. In Walbottle, Denton, and Heaton Denes, N.

1. P. sarcoides.

Persoon, Syn. 633; Gr. Fl. Eds. 423; P. turbinata, Persoon, Syn. 634.
On the trunk of an old Ash tree near Berwick Dr. G. Johnston.

3. P. campanulata.

Gr. Fl. Eds. 423; Berwick Flora, ii. 151.
On dead twigs in woods, N. and D. Near Berwick. —Dr. G. Johnston.

4. P. cinerea.

Persoon, Syn. 634; With. iv. 425; Sowerby, t. 64; Batsch. Obs. 80, f. 107.
On stumps of trees, not rare, N. and D. In Bradley Wood, D. In fields west of Hexham, N.

5. P. albida.

With. iv. 419; Dicks. Crypt. Fasc. iii. t. 9, f. 11. In Dilston Park, East Common Wood, and Walbottle Dene, N.

6. P. aurea.

Gr. Fl. Eds. 424; Persoon, Syn. 635; P. chrysocoma, Sowerby, t. 150; With. iv. 421; Bull. t. 376, f. 2.
On decayed wood in Gibside and Ravensworth Woods, D. In Heaton and Scotswood Denes, also near Blagdon and Stannington Bridge, N.

7. P. aurantia.

Gr. Fl. Eds. 418; Persoon, Syn. 637; P. coccinea, Sowerby, t. 78; Bull. t. 474; With. iv. 417, var. 2; Helvella coccinea, Bolton, t. 100.
On rotten sticks in woods near Newcastle, N. and D.

. P. leparina.

Persoon, Syn. 637; Schaeff. 156; Batsch. 117.
In Fir plantations, N. and D.

9. P. onotica.

Persoon, Syn. 637; P. leporina, Sowerby. t. 79.
On dead leaves of the Beach, rare, N. and D.

10. P. vesiculosa.

With. iv. 423; Gr. Fl. Eds. 419; Crypt, t. 107; Sowerby, t. 4; Persoon, Syn. 641; Bull. t. 457;