Page:Transactions of the Natural History Society of Northumberland, Durham, and Newcastle-upon-Tyne 1838 Vol.2.djvu/129

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Mr. WINCH's Flora of Northumberland, &c.
4. U. Violarum.

Lam. and De Cand. vi. 73; Berwick Flora, ii. 202.
On the leaves of Viola canina, near Berwick. — Dr. G. Johnston.

5. U. Ficariae.

Gr. Fl. Eds. 434; Lam. and De Cand. vi. 65; Berwick- Flora, ii. 203.
On the leaves of Ranunculus Ficaria. Near Berwick. — Dr. G. Johnston.

6. U. suaveolens.

Gr. Fl. Eds. 434; Persoon, Syn. 221; Berwick Flora, ii. 202; Aecidium Cardui, Sowerby, t. 398, f. 5.
On Cnicus arvensis, N. and D. Near Berwick.— Dr. G. Johnston.

7. U. Polygonorum.

Gr. Fl. Eds. 434; Crypt, t. 80; Lam. and De Cand. vi. 71; Berwick Flora, ii. 201.
On the leaves of various species of Polygonum, N. and D. Near Berwick. — Dr. G. Johnston.

8. U. Cichoraceum.

Gr. Fl. Eds. 425; Lam. and De Cand. ii. 229; Berwick Flora, ii. 201.
On the leaves of the Composite, N. and D. On the Lapsana communis, near Berwick.— Dr. G. Johnston. On the Dandelion, common.

9. U. bifrons.

Gr. Fl. Eds. 435; Berwick Flora, ii. 201; U. Rumicum β, Lam. and De Cand. vi. 66.
On the leaves of the Sorrel, N. and D. Near Berwick. — Dr. G. Johnston.

10. U. Rumicum.

Gr. Fl. Eds. 436; Lam. and De Cand. vi. 66; Berwick Flora, ii. 201; U. bifrons. Lam. and De Cand. ii. 229.
On Rumex crispus, and R. obtusifolius, N. and D. Near Berwick. — Dr. G. Johnston.

11. U. intrusa.

Gr. Fl. Eds. 436; Berwick Flora, ii. 201.
On the inferior surface of the leaves of Alchemilla vulgaris. Near Berwick.— Dr. G. Johnston.

12. U. Fabae.

Gr. Crypt, t. 95; Fl. Eds. 436; Persoon, Syn. 221; Lam. and De Cand. v. 69; U. fusca, Purton, iii. 507.
On the leaves of the Bean, Vetch, &c.

13. U. Labiatarum.

Lam. and De Cand. vi. 72; Berwick Flora, ii. 203; Gr. Fl. Eds. 436; U. Mentha, Persoon, Syn. 220.
On the leaves of Ajuga reptans, near Berwick. — Dr. G. Johnston.

14. U. oblongata.

Gr. Crypt, t. 12; Fl. Eds. 437; Berwick Flora, ii. 202; U. caricis, Fl. Dan. t. 1317; U. caricina, Lam. and De Cand. vi. 83.
On the leaves of Luzulae and Carices.

15. U. Vitellinae.

Gr. Fl. Eds. 437; Lam. and De Cand. ii. 231; Berwick Flora, ii. 200.
On the leaves of Salix vitellina, viminalis, and Smithiana, near Berwick. — Dr. G. Johnston.

16. U. farinosa.

Gr. Fl. Eds. 437; Berwick Flora, ii. 200; Persoon, Syn. 217 α; U. Caproearum, Lam. and De Cand. vi. 80.
On Salix capraea, and S. aurita. Near Berwick. — Dr. G. Johnston.

17. U. Gnaphalii.

Berwick Flora, ii. 200.
On the leaves of Gnaphalium germanicum, near Berwick. — Dr. G. Johnston.

18. U. Senecionis.

Gr. Fl. Eds. 438; Berwick Flora, ii. 198; Lam. and De Cand. ii. 231; U. farinosa β, Persoon, Syn. 218.
On the leaves of Senecio sylvaticus, N. and D. Near Berwick. — Dr. G. Johnston.

19. U. Tussilaginis.

Gr. Fl. Eds. 441; Berwick Flora, ii. 198.
On the leaves of the Colts-foot, frequent.

20. U. Potentillae.

Gr. Fl. Eds. 438; Lam. and De Cand. ii. 232; Berwick Flora, ii. 199.
On Potentilla Fragaria. Near Berwick. — Dr. G. Johnston.

21. U. Rosa.

Gr. Fl. Eds. 438; Lam. and De Cand. ii. 232; Berwick Flora, ii. 199.
On Rose leaves, N. and D. Near Berwick Dr. G. Johnston.

22. U. Ruborum.

Gr. Fl. Eds. 438; Berwick Flora, ii. 199; Lam. and De Cand. ii. 234; U. Rubifruticosi, Persoon, Syn. 218.
On the leaves of Brambles, N. and D. Near Berwick. — Dr. G. Johnston.

23. U. effusa.

Gr. Fl. Eds. 439; Crypt, t. 19; Berwick Flora, ii. 199; U. miniata α, Persoon, Syn. 216; U. spiraeae, Sowerby, t. 298.
On the leaves and seed vessels of wild Roses, frequent, and on Spiraea Ulmaria, N. and D.

24. U. Lini.

Gr. Crypt, t. 31; Fl. Eds. 439; U. miniata β, Persoon, Syn. 216.
On the leaves of Linum catharticum, N. and D.

25. U. Alchemillae.

Gr. Fl. Eds. 439; Persoon, Syn. 215; Berwick Flora, ii. 199.
On Alchemilla vulgaris, N. and D. Near Berwick. — Dr. G. Johnston.

26. U. Rhinanthacearum.

Gr. Fl. Eds. 439; Lam. and De Cand. vi. 80; Berwick Flora, ii. 200.
On the leaves, &c., of the Yellow Rattle, N.—Dr. G. Johnston.

27. U. Campanula.

Gr. Fl. Eds. 440; Persoon, Syn. 217; Berwick Flora, ii. 200.
On the leaves of different species of Campanula, N. and D. Near Berwick. — Dr. G. Johnston.

28. U. Pyrolae.

Gr. Fl. Eds. 440; Berwick Flora, ii. 198.
On the leaves of Pyrola minor, at Wallington, N. Near Berwick. — Dr. G. Johnston. At Gibside, and the Howns Woods, D.

29. U. linearis.

Gr. Fl. Eds. 440; Persoon, Syn. 216; Berwick Flora, ii. 198; U. frumenti, Sowerby, t. 140; U. longissima, t. 139.
On the leaves of Corn and Grasses, common.

30. U. Sonchi.