Page:Transactions of the Natural History Society of Northumberland, Durham, and Newcastle-upon-Tyne 1838 Vol.2.djvu/140

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130 Mr. Winch's Flora of Northumberland, &c.

In ditches and pools not rare. Near Darlington, D.—Mr. Backhouse. Near Berwick.—Dr. G.Johnston.

13. C. glomerata, α. fluviatilis.

Gr. Fl. Eds. 318; Dillwyn, t. 13; Eng. Bot. 2192.
β littoralis, Berwick Flora, ii. 255; C. laete-virens, Dillwyn, t. 48; Eng. Bot. 1854. α In the rivulet in Pandon Dene near Newcastle and in Heaton Dene, N. In Umby Springs near Conniscliff, D.—Mr. Backhouse. Near Berwick in springs.—Dr. G. Johnston. β on the sea shore of Northumberland and Durham.

14. C. alternata.

Dillwyn, Syn. No. 22, B; Eng. Bot. 2304.
In pools and ditches not rare.

15. C. riparia.

Eng. Bot. t. 2100; Dillwyn, 111, t. E; Berwick Flora, ii. 254. On rocks at Tynemouth, &c., N. At Hudshead, near Berwick. — Dr. G. Johnston.

16. C. zonata.

Dillwyn, Syn. 41; Berwick Flora, ii. 254; C. lucens, Eng. Bot. 1655; Dillwyn, t. 47.
In rivulets in the west of the county of Durham. In the river Skern near Darlington. — Mr. Backhouse. In streams near Berwick.—Dr. G. Johnston.

17. C. aegagropila.

Eng. Bot. 1377; Dillwyn, t. 87. In Prestwick Carr, N.

18. C. nivea.

Eng. Bot. 2529; Dillwyn, Syn. 54, T.C.
In the sulphur springs at Dinsdale and Middleton-one-Row, D.—Mr. Backhouse.

19. C. lactea.

Dillwyn, t. 79. In the rivulets in Cawsey and Ravensworth Woods, D. In the Skern near Darlington, D.—Mr. Backhouse.

20. C. ericetorum.

Gr. Fl. Eds. 318; Eng. Bot. 1553; Dillwyn, 1. On the Teesdale moors, D. On moors near Hexham, and Gilsland, N. On Green Leijrhton Moss, and on moors near Hunstonworth, N.—W.C. Trevelyan, Esq.

21. C. rubiginosa.

On rotten sticks in Cawsey and Ravensworth Woods,

22. C. pectinalis.

Dillwyn, t. 51; Eng. Bot. 1611.
Attached to dead leaves in ditches near Hamsterley, D.—Mr. Backhouse.

23. C. protensa.

Dillwyn, t. 67.
In a spring near Darlington, D.—Mr. Backhouse.

24. C. castanea.

Gr. Fl. Eds. 319; Dillwyn, t. 72; Eng. Bot. 1701.
In Scotswood Dene and other woods near Newcastle and Wallington, N.

25. C. Orthotrichi.

Gr. Fl. Eds. 319; Dillwyn, t. 89; C. muscicola, Eng. Bot. 1038.
On various species of Orthotrichum, and on Bartramia fontana, N. and D.

26. C. ebenca.

Gr. Fl. Eds. 319; Dillwyn, t. 100; Byssus nigra, Eng. Bot. 702.
On rocks in woods, and upon trunks of trees, N. and D. In Cawsey Wood, and at Hamsterley, D.

27. C. purpurea.

Dillwyn, t. 43; Byssus purpurea, Eng. Bot. 192.
On rocks and stones in Alpine situations, and in Limestone caverns near Whitburn and Sunderland, D. On Limestone rocks near Berwick.—Dr. G. Johnston.

28. C. lichenicola.

Eng. Bot. t. 1609.
Growing on Lecidea marmorea in the west of the county of Durham.

29 C. cryptarum.

Eng. Bot. 2588; Byssus cryptarum, Northumberland and Durham Guide, ii. 80.
In caves in the Limestone rocks between South Shields and Sunderland, D.

30. C. ? velutina.

Dillwyn, 77; Gr. Fl. Eds. 319; Eng. Bot. 1556.
On damp ground and the banks of hedges, not rare.
Both Mr. Drummond, of Cork, and Dr. Greville agree in considering this heretofore species nothing more than the radicals of Polytrichum aloides; and, that a Conferva, scarcely to be distinguished from it is so of Bryum caespetitium, careful observation has convinced me. It is by no means improbable that other supposed Conferva:, upon close investigation, may turn out to be no more than the first germination of mosses. I would particularly direct the attention of botanists to Oscillatoria muralis.


1. Z. genuflexum.

Gr. Fl. Eds. 320; Berwick Flora, ii. 257: Conferva genuflexa, Eng. Bot. 1914; Dillwyn, t. 6.
In pools and ditches, N. and D. At Polam, D.—Mr. Backhouse. Near Berwick.—Dr. G. Johnston.

2. Z. deciminum.

Gr. Fl. Eds. 320; Berwick Flora, ii. 255; Conferva nitida, Eng. Bot. 2337; Dillwyn, t. 4, A, B; C.jugalis, Dillwyn, t. 5.
In ditches near Darlington, D.—Mr. Backhouse. Near Wallington, N. Near Berwick.— Dr. G. Johnston.

3. Z. quininum.

Gr. Fl. Eds. 320; Berwick Flora, ii. 256; Conferva spiralis, Dillwyn, t. 3; Eng. Bot. 1656.
In pools and ditches not rare. Near Berwick.—Dr G. Johnston.

4. Z. bipunctatum.

Gr. Fl. Eds. 300; Berwick Flora, ii. 256; Conferva bipunetata, Dillwyn, t. 2; Eng. Bot. 1610.
In ditches near Darlington, D. — Mr. Backhouse. Near Berwick. — Dr. G. Johnston.


1. D. glomerata.

Gr. Fl. Eds. 321; Conferva mutabilis, Eng, Bot 1746. In ditches near Darlington, D.—Mr. Backhouse.

2. D. plumosa.

Spreng. Syst. Veg. iv. 369; Berwick Flora, ii; Conferva lubrica, Eng. Bot. t. 2087; C. mutabilis, Dillwyn, 63, t. 12.
In springs near Berwick.—Dr. G. Johnston.


B. moniliforme.

Hook. Fl. Scot, ii. 77; Berwick Flora, ii. 257;