Page:Transactions of the Natural History Society of Northumberland, Durham, and Newcastle-upon-Tyne 1838 Vol.2.djvu/145

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Mr. Winch's Flora of Northumberland, &c.

In a boggy meadow near Caervoran, (Magna,) N.
At the head of Howns Wood.— Mr. John Thornhill, Jun.

S. radicans, Page 62, Genus 376, No. 4.
In woods at Wardrew, by the Irthing, N.
S. Croweana, P. 63, G. 276, No. 13.
In Castle Eden Dene, D Mr. Backhouse.
S. Andersoniana Mas., Page 63, Genus 376, No. 23.
In woods at Wardrew, N.
S. Forsteriama, P. 63, G. 376, No. 24.
By the Irthing at Gilsland, N.
Taxus baccata, P. 65, G. 388, No. 1.
On high rocky cliffs by the Irthing, above Wardrew Spa, N.


Chara hispida, Page 66, Genus 1, No. 2.
In the Mill Race at Reedsmouth, N. — Mr. John Thompson.
C. aspera, P. 66, G. 1, No. 3.
In the Irthing, near the lower stepping stones above Gilsland Spa, N. In a Limestone Quarry near Rushyford, D.— Mr. Backhouse.
C. norvegica, Hooker MSS., P. 66, G. 1, No. 5.
In the lake at Hardwick, D.— Mr. Backhouse.
Equisetum variegatum, P. 66, G. 2, No. 7.
On rocks above the second stepping stones over the Irthing, near Gilsland Spa, scarce, but in great abundance half a mile higher up the stream, N.
Ophioglossum vulgatum, P. 67, G. 6, No. 1.
In moist meadows south of Wardrew, N. Near Hilton Castle, and Howns Wood, D., and near Stannington, N. — Mr. R. B. Bowman.
Botrychium Lunaria, P. 67, G. 7, No. 1.
In meadows south of Wardrew, N. Near Hilton Castle, D.—Mr. R.B. Bowman.
Cryptogramma crispa, P. 67, G. 10, No. 1.
On Wall-Town Crags, N.
Aspidium Oreopteris, P. 68, G. 13, No. 2.
On the banks of Allen, not far from Ridley Hall, N. —Mr. J. Thompson.
Polypodium Phegopteris, P. 68, G. 14, No. 2.
In the woods at Wardrew, N.
P. Dryopteris, P. 68, G. 14, No. 3.
In the woods at Wardrew, N.
Cystea fragilis, P. 69, G. 16, No. 1.
On walls at Gilsland and Wardrew, N.
Phascum patens, Page 69, Genus 18, No. 5.
In bogs near Wardrew, N. At Prestwick Carr, N.—Mr. R. B. Bowman.
Gymnostomum Donianum, P. 70, G. 20, No. 7.
On Sandstone rocks at Gilsland, N. In Cawsey Wood, D — Mr. R.B. Bowman.
Grimmia Doniana, P. 72, G. 29, No. 5.
Hook, and Tay. Muse. 72 ; Eng. Bot. 1259; Arn. Disp. Muse. 20.
On Cheviot, N.
Weissia verticillata, P. 72, G. 31, No. 7.
By the Irthing, near Wardrew, N.
Orthotrichum anomalum, P. 74, G. 37, No. 2.
Eng. Bot. 2696.
On rocks near Wardrew, N.
Anomodon viticulosum, P. 74, G. 39, No. 2.
On rocks by the Irthing, at Wardrew, N.
Hypnum Crista-castrensis, P. 78, G. 44, No. 53. Hook, and Tay. Muse. 190; Eng. Bot. 2108; Arn. Disp. Muse. 69.
Found in fructification on the south side of Tees near Gainford by Mr. Backhouse.
Bryum caespetitium, P. 78, G. 45, No. 11
The note attached to this species of moss is an error. It should have followed Polytrichum aloides; P. 71, G. 23, No. 7.
Collema saturninum, P. 93, G. 83, No. 5.
By the Irthing at Gilsland, N.
Phragmidium Potentillae, P. 118, G. 163, No. 2. Gr. Syn. 3; Puccinea Potentillae, Crypt. t. 57.
On the leaves of Potentillae; and Tormentillae.


Gathered on the Ballast Hills by the Shores of the Rivers Tyne and Wear.

Blitum virgatum.
Willd. Sp. Pl. i. 30.
A native of France and Spain.
Phalaris paradoxa.
Willd. Sp. Pl. i. 329.
The south of Italy and the Levant.
Bromus madritensis.
Willd. Sp. Pl. i. 437.
Convolvulus tricolor.
Willd. Sp. Pl. i. 874.
The south of Europe and north of Africa.
Hyoscyamus albus.
Willd. Sp. Pl. i. 1101.
The south of Europe.
H. aureus.
Willd. Sp. Pl. i. 1101.
The Greek Islands and the Levant.
Solanum Lycopersicum.
Willd. Sp. Pl. i. 1033.
South America.
Tordylium syriacum.
Willd. Sp. Pl. i. 1381.