Page:Transactions of the Natural History Society of Northumberland, Durham, and Newcastle-upon-Tyne 1838 Vol.2.djvu/24

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Mr. Winch's Flora of Northumberland, &c.

Hexham. — Wallis, i. 206. Point near Bamborough. — Thompson's Berwick Plants. Near Crow Hall opposite Ridley Hall. — Mr. J. Thompson. On Alnwick Moor, N. — Miss Pringle.


1. C. arvensis. Small Bind-weed.

Sm. Eng. FL i. 284; Eng. Bot. 312; Curt. Fasc. ii. 13; Hook. Fl. Scot. 73; Berwick Flora, 57.
In fields near the sea coast of Northumberland and Durham. Not very common in the north of England.

2. C. sepium. Great Bindweed.

Sm. Eng. Fl. i- 284; Eng. Bot. 313; Curt. Fasc. i. t. 13; Hook. Fl. Scot. 74; Berwick Flora, 57; Calystegia sepium, R. Br. Lindley Syn. 167.
In moist woods and hedges, but by no means common. In hedges behind St. Anthon's ballast hills, N.

3. C. Soldanella. Sea Bind-weed.

Sm. Eng. Fl. i. 285; Eng. Bot. 314; Hook. Fl. Scot. 74; With. ii. 828; Calystegia Soldanella, R. Br. Lindley Syn. 167.
On the links near South Shields below the Bent House, D. July 11, 1828. First noticed there by Mr. A. Hancock.


1. C. rotundifolia. Round-leaved Bell-flower.

Sm. Eng. Fl. i. 287; Eng. Bot. 866; Curt. Fasc. iv. 21; Hook. Fl. Scot. 74.
α. On the borders of fields, heaths, &c. frequent. β flore albo, in Heaton Dene, N.

2. C. Rapunculus. Rampion Bell-flower.

Sm. Eng. Fl. i. 289; Eng. Bot. 283; Hook. Lond. t. 80; With. ii. 330.
In a grassy field of the Glebe at Norton, D. — John Hogg, Esq.
Probably the outcast of some garden, the root having long been used as a table vegetable.

3. C. latifolia. Giant Bell-flower.

Sm. Eng. Fl. i. 290; Eng. Bot. 302; Hook. Fl. Scot. 75; With. ii. 331.
In moist woods and hedges, not rare.

4. C. glomerata. Clustered Bell-flower.

Sm. Eng. Fl. i. 292; Eng. Bot. 90; Hook. Fl. Scot. 75; Gr. Fl. Eds. 51.
On the banks of Tyne near Wylam, near St. Oswald's and Chollerford, N. In a field by the lime-kilns at Wall near Chollerford-bridge, in woody banks near Netherwarden, near Hexham, and by the banks of Tyne, in the meadow near Bywell, also Crag-close near Barwesford, N. — Wallis, i. 162. In Hulne woods near Alnwick. — Miss Pringle. All these localities are in the Encrinal Limestone district. In woods at Cocken, near Chester-le-Street, D. On Barbara Riggs, near Barnardcastle, and near Gainforth, D. — Rev. J. Harriman. In meadows near Croft, D.—J. Hogg, Esq.

5. C. hybrida. Corn Bell-flower.

Sm. Eng. Fl. i. 293; Eng. Bot. 375; With. ii. 334.
In corn fields near Norton, D.—J. Hogg, Esq. In corn fields on Tunstal-hills, and on Sunderland ballast-hills, D. Not met with in Scotland.
Tunstal-hills and Norton, are in the Magnesian Limestone district.


1. J. montana. Sheep's-bit, Sheep's Scabious.

Sm. Eng. Fl. i. 296; Eng. Bot. 882; Curt. Fasc. iv. t. 58; Hook. Fl. Scot. 76.
On the banks of hedges near Gilsland, Hexham and Haltwhistle, N. Near Hamsterley and Witton-le-Wear, D.— Mr. E. Robson.

86. VIOLA.

1. V. hirta. Hairy Violet.

Sm. Eng. Fl. i. 301; Eng. Bot. 894; Curt. Fasc. i. 64; Hook. Fl. Scot. 76; Gr. Fl. Eds. 51; With. ii. 353; Berwick Flora, 58.
On banks near Bywell, Ovingham, and Wylam, N. Near Jarrow, Whitburn, and in Castle Eden dene, D. New Mill banks, near Berwick, — Dr. Thompson. On Ratcheugh Crags, near Alnwick, N. — Mr. J. Davison.

2. V. odorata. Sweet Violet.

Sm. Eng. Fl. i. 301; Eng. Bot. 619; Curt. Fasc. i. t. 63; Hook. Fl. Scot. 77; Gr. Fl. Eds. 51; With. ii. 354.
Near Prudhoe Castle, Ovingham, and Hexham, N. Near Finchall Abbey, Chester-le-Street, Hetton-le-Hole, and Dalton-le-Dale, D. Near Hilton Castle, and at Bede's Well, near Jarrow. — Mr. J. Thornhill, jun.

3. V. palustris. Marsh Violet.

Sm. Eng. Fl. i. 302; Eng. Bot. 444; Curt. Fasc. iii. t. 58; Hook. Fl. Scot. 77; With. ii. 355; Gr. Fl. Eds. 52; Berwick Flora, 58.
In boggy ground, in East Common wood, near Hexham, and at Prestwick Carr, N. On Teesdale Forest, in Ravensworth woods, near Urpeth, Beamish, and Witton-le-Wear, D. Near Murton Craggs, and below Shoreswood Hall. —Dr. Thompson.

4. V. canina. Dog's Violet.

Sm. Eng. Fl. i. 303; Eng. Bot. 620; Curt. Fasc. ii. 61; Hook. Fl. Scot. 77.
In groves, by hedges, and on heathy ground, common.

5. V. tricolor. Pansy Violet Heart's-ease.

Sm. Eng. Fl. i. 305; Eng. Bot. 1287; Curt. Fasc. i. t. 65; Hook. Fl. Scot. 77; Berwick Flora 58; β V. arvensis, Sibthorp 84; Symon's Syn. 61.
α. In corn fields, and by road sides; β more frequent than α in similar situations.

6. V. lutea. Yellow Mountain Pansy.

Sm. Eng. Fl. i. 306; Eng. Bot. 721; Hook Fl. Scot. 77; With. ii. 357; Gr. Fl. Eds. 52; Berwick Flora, 59; V. grandiflora, Hudson, 380; Lightfoot, 508.
On mountainous pastures in Weardale, and in Teesdale Forest, D. At Housesteads, near the Roman Wall, and on the banks of Beldon Bourn, near Blanchland, N.


1. V. Thapsus. Great Mullein, High Taper.

Sm. Eng. Fl. i. 307; Eng. Bot. 549; Woodv. t. 125; Hook. Fl. Scot. 78; Grev. Fl. Eds. 53; Berwick Flora, 59.
On the Ballast-hills of Tyne and Wear, N. and D. Near Jesmond, and in the bed of Till, near Wooler, N. Near Pierce Bridge. — Mr. Backhouse. By road sides near East Harrington. — Rev. J. Symons. Near Norton. — J. Hogg, Esq. At Castle Eden, D.
Frequently the out-cast of cottage gardens.